Professional Therapy and pastoral counseling


We hope you will find what you need to promote your healing and growth and wholeness through the love and grace of Christ.


Individual Counseling

Professional Therapy and Pastoral Counseling

Healing is possible. People often find life is not going the way they planned. Life can unseat us. We address may issues including: depression, anxiety, stress, career path change, childhood trauma, addiction, lack of voice and identity, personal authority, grief and loss. Christ has a plan for your life to transform your suffering into wholeness.


Marriage Counseling

Giving hope and changing lives

A good marriage is life giving.  Hurt and pain in this relationship can be unbearable.  Sometimes the conflict builds,  wounds accumulate and the relationship reaches a breaking point.   Some of the issues we address include:  communication, conflict resolution, affairs, recovery from sexual addiction, lack of intimacy and abuse.


Premarital Counseling

Building a foundation

Between “Will you marry me?” and “I do”, premarital counseling helps you get established with the best possible start.  Marriage is wonderful, but a healthy relationship requires intentional focus.  The Vine uses the Prepare and Enrich curriculum.  Issues that will be addressed include:  communication, conflict resolution, leisure activities, compatibility, commitment, extended family, finances, sexual matters and role expectations.  This can include a report to your officiating clergy.


Family Counseling

Giving hope and changing lives

At the heart of a joyful home is a healthy family.  Without fail, people hurt those who are closest to them. This can have far reaching consequences to people in several generations.  Healing is worth the effort.  Issues we address include:  parenting concerns, communication, grief and loss, troubled teens, appropriate boundaries, relationships with extended family and sibling issues.  Healthy relationships help us draw close to God.


Spiritual Direction

Giving hope and changing lives

Our relationship with Christ is the most important relationship in our life. Hurts can pull us away so that we loose our connection. Our spiritual life becomes stagnant while we are empty of meaning. Sometimes we need to be intentional about finding the way back home. Sometimes we need a new path altogether.  Spiritual Direction may be the journey that you need.


Giving hope and changing lives

The Vine offers a variety of groups on a periodic basis including grief groups and women’s groups. Contact the office to learn which groups are currently open for new participants or to be added to a waiting list for a future group.