Professional therapy and pastoral counseling
Our Team

Amanda Ragland, Executive Director, D.Min., LMFT
- Doctor of Ministry in Marriage and Family Therapy from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
- Master of Divinity from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
- Licensed Approved Supervisor by the Alabama Board of Examiners in Marriage and Family Therapy
- Licensed Supervisor of Supervision – Alabama Board of Examiners in Marriage and Family Therapy
- Clinical Member and Approved Supervisor of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
- Diplomate of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors
- Distinguished Alumni, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, 2015
- Ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament by the Presbyterian Church (USA)
Read Dr. Ragland’s most recent blog post Our God is a God of Details or browse her blog posts on a variety of other topics here. Watch Dr. Ragland, along with other members of the Vine’s team, share her sense of calling and experience as a therapist here.

Jack Ragland, Clinical Director, D.Min., LMFT
- Doctor of Ministry in Marriage and Family Therapy from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
- Master of Divinity from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
- Licensed Approved Supervisor by the Alabama Board of Examiners in Marriage and Family Therapy
- Licensed Supervisor of Supervision – Alabama Board of Examiners in Marriage and Family Therapy
- Clinical Member and Approved Supervisor of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
- Distinguished Alumni, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, 2015
- Fellow of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors
- Ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament by the Presbyterian Church (USA)
Read Dr. Ragland’s blog posts here. Watch Dr. Ragland along with other members of the Vine’s team, share his sense of calling and experience as a therapist here.

Sarah Bengs, MSW, LiCSW
- Masters of Social Work from Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University
- B.S. California Polytechnic University
- Licensed Clinical Social Worker with the State of Alabama
- Years of social work experience and counseling with teens and families through Care Net of North America
- Therapist Intern with National Children’s Advocacy Center
- Clinical training in Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Level 2 clinical training in Life Integration Therapy
Watch Sarah, along with other members of the Vine’s team, share her sense of calling and experience as a therapist here.

Laura Frederick, LMFT
- M.A., Marriage and Family Therapy and Counseling, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, MS
- B.A., Religion, Luther Rice University, Lithonia, GA
- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
- Clinical training in EMDR and Gottman method couples counseling.
- Prepare/Enrich Facilitator in pre-marriage assessment
- Marriage and Family Therapy and Counseling Award, Reformed Theological Seminary, 2017
Watch Laura, along with other members of the Vine’s team, share her sense of calling and experience as a therapist here.
Browse articles written by Laura on our blog here.

Robbie Dodson, MSW, LiCSW
- B.S. Jacksonville State University
- Masters of Social Work from Florida State University
- Professional Supervisor for Social Work Graduates
- Certified Trainer for The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
- Celebrate Recovery Ministry Leader
- Royal Family Kids Camp Social Worker
Watch Robbie, along with other members of the Vine’s team, share her sense of calling and experience as a therapist here.

Rhonda Pemberton, MSW, LiCSW
- B.S. of Special Education from The University of Tennessee in Knoxville, Tennessee
- Masters of Social Work from The University of Tennessee
- Counselor at The Smokey Mountain Children’s Home
- Clinical Director of The Smokey Mountain Children’s Home
- Years of experience in Private Practice

Sam Hawkins, LPC
- Master’s Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from the University of Louisiana in Monroe
- Master’s Degree in Theological Studies from Southwestern College
- Master’s and Bachelor’s Degrees in Psychology from the University of Alabama in Huntsville.
- 25-year career in engineering field.
- Ordained Minister of the Gospel.
Read Sam’s article “The Lenton Journey”
Browse all of Sam’s blog posts here.

Emily Garnett, MSW, LiCSW
- Bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Auburn University
- Master’s degree in Social Work, from the University of Alabama.
- Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker by the Alabama Board of Social Work Examiners.
- Years of experience in medical social work, with an emphasis in Oncology. Has worked extensively with individuals and families providing supportive counseling, resource management, and addressing issues related to chronic illness.

Michael Stanfield, D.Min., LMFT
- Doctor of Ministry degree from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
- Master of Education Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) from East Tennessee State University
- Master of Divinity Degree from Union Presbyterian Seminary.
- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Alabama, Missouri and Tennessee.
- Licensed Marriage and Family Supervisor in Alabama, Missouri and Tennessee.
- Completed Hakomi (mindful, experiential, body-based) therapy training in 2016.
- Received training in 2018 and 2022 at the International Association of Analytic Psychology (IAAP), Zurich, Switzerland in Jungian dreamwork.
- Clinical Fellow and Approved Supervisor of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.
- Ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church, USA
- Full-time pastor in churches in Alabama, East Tennessee, and Missouri over a period of 38 years.
My Approach
Let me first say that the fact that you are searching for help is a sign that there is a part of you that has had enough. I want to address that part of you because it holds the key to your wholeness. Whether you see the root of your difficulty as a primary relationship or some other unknown source, I want to aid you in engaging in the kind of self-examination that will see you through your current pain to the new life that is surely waiting on the other side.
My specialty is helping people discover and get in touch with their own God-given inner resources. I therefore view the work of therapy as soul work. My journey with clients is sacred; it involves uncovering both the inner hidden story as well as the outer more public one. I understand my role as that of an interpreter of stories who has been called upon to help folks get in touch with the multiple meanings and deeper insights their stories have to offer them. I would consider it a privilege to participate in the ongoing story of your life.
Meet our team
Mission and Vision
Who we are
The Vine is an pastoral counseling center that promotes emotional healing with the love and grace of Christ. For over twenty years the Vine has sought to facilitate healing and wholeness in human life and relationships using faith resources.
The mission of The Vine Pastoral Counseling Center is to provide services for individuals, couples, families and congregations that will facilitate healing and wholeness in human life and relationships. Services will be provided to any person regardless of race, gender, socioeconomic status or faith perspective.
- Individuals
- Couples
- Families
- Congregations
Supporting Churches
In Huntsville:
- All Saints Lutheran Church
- Covenant Presbyterian Church
- Faith Presbyterian Church
- Fellowship Presbyterian
- First Baptist Church *
- First Christian (DOC)
- First Missionary Baptist Church
- First Presbyterian Church
- Holmes Street UMC
- Hope Presbyterian
- Life Church Huntsville
- Church of The Nativity, Episcopal
- Weatherly Heights Baptist Church
In Madison:
In Hampton Cove:
In New Market:
In Athens:
Supporting Organizations:
Robert Donnell Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church
History of the Vine
In 1998 a committee from the Huntsville Association for Pastoral Care was formed to explore the need an ecumenical pastoral counseling center. During this process, Frank Broyles, Executive Director of Huntsville Association for Pastoral Care (HAPC), introduced Amanda and Jack Ragland to Jim Norris. The Raglands and Jim shared a common vision for a pastoral counseling center, one that would be supported by local congregations partnering to provide counseling. Individuals, couples, and families in North Alabama would be served, regardless of their ability to pay.
In March of 1999, The Vine Pastoral Counseling Center was established, and the vision became a reality. The name of The Vine is taken from John 15:5: “I am the Vine; you are the branches…apart from me you can do nothing.” This reflects the Center’s being rooted in Christ while seeking to be vessels for His compassion and healing.
The Vine was officially incorporated on February 2, 1999, with the initial Board of Directors consisting of the following:
- Rev. George Wagner, Madison Christian (DOC)
- Rev. Bobby Ray Halbrooks, Madison UMC
- Rev. David E. Tew, First Baptist Church, Madison
- Rev. Carl Malm, The Huntsville Association of Pastoral Care
- Mrs. Jeanne Hightower, lay representative from Faith Presbyterian
- Rev. Robin Palmer, representing the Huntsville Association of Pastoral Care
- Rev. David Tubbs, Good Shepherd UMC, Madison
- Rev. Hugh Tobias, Trinity Baptist Church, Madison
- Rev. Jim Roberts, Hope Presbyterian Church, Huntsville
- Rev. Frank Broyles, The Huntsville Association of Pastoral Care
- Rev. Fred Webster, Grace UMC, Madison
- Rev. Michael Wilson, Trinity Baptist Church, Madison