Time Alone

It doesn’t mean you don’t love your family if you want time alone. The way we structure our time is a foundation of our existence that keeps us steady.

Grace and peace to you. In this time of social distancing as many of us are working from home, I am aware that at the same time that we are “social creatures” we are also “private creatures”. While we are living in this time together with family 24-7, remember that our routines of work allowed us a good bit of private-time that we may have taken for granted.

I would encourage you to make sure you have private spaces for each person in your home and make it o.k. to spend time there. It doesn’t mean you don’t love your family if you want time alone. The way we structure our time is a foundation of our existence that keeps us steady. We are also “creatures of habit”. Making new routines that include individual time can help keep you healthy.

And last, while things are happening that make us question our most basic activities and securities, remember that our LORD is a WAY-MAKER. He is an able REDEEMER. He is with us, and He knows what we need. Blessings to you and yours.

The Vine has telephone and video conference sessions available. There was a time when I would not have chosen this venue for therapy, but it is working amazingly well. You can call our office to find out more. 256-270-7399

Rev. Dr. Amanda W. Ragland, LMFT